+919035658891 info@orcad.co.in

Partner Program


Orcad is a company dedicated to helping businesses succeed. We believe that a business’s success is rooted in the people who work inside it, and our mission is to help you become a partner in your own success. We are looking for partners who want to join us on this journey. The partners who join us will get access to Orcad’s exclusive community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to helping each other grow as human beings. Partnering with us will enable you to make a meaningful impact on your community, and earn some valuable rewards along the way.


Benefits of Partnering

The benefits of becoming part of an education firm are plentiful. The first and most obvious benefit is the opportunity to be involved with a company that has been in the education field for years and has a number of loyal clients. You will have access to many people who have been through the same challenges you face as a student or parent, and can offer their advice freely. The second benefit is that you will have a chance to meet new people and network with them, which can lead to future opportunities. The third benefit is that you will get to learn more about how businesses work and how they operate, which will help you understand what business model works best for your own business venture.

Become a Partner by filling the Form

    Orcad Logo

    Education is a vital part of life, but it can be hard to figure out where to start. That’s why we exist to provide education services from kinder garden to study abroad. Our team of experts can guide you through the process, no matter what your needs are.


    Corporate Office: 594, 10th A Main, 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560041

    Branch Office: C/o Sri Kalidasa Composite PU College, Adi Chunchanagiri Road, Opp RMP Quarters, Kuvempunagar, MYSORE - 570 023

    Phone Number

    +91 9035658891

